
Marco Tramonte’s OBIETTIVO COSPLAY association, with the patronage of the Municipality of Volta Mantovana, the Municipalities of Cavriana, Ponti sul Mincio and Monzambano, is organizing the 2025 edition of Volta, the most anticipated Italian photographic event dedicated to the world of cosplay of the year.

The VOLTA 2025 event will take place from May 2 to May 4, 2025.

Exclusively, on May 2, 3, and 4, 2025, some of the most beautiful and picturesque areas of Volta Mantovana, Cavriana, Ponti sul Mincio, Monzambano, and some neighboring municipalities will be made available to photographers and cosplayers.

Heart of the event will be the beautiful Gonzaga Palace, with its lovely gardens and the stables, that will be the main meeting point for the entire duration of Volta. With its XVII century statues as well as Renaissance features, the Gonzaga Palace’s Gardens are between the most prestigious historical parks of Garda hills.

The photography event is intended in a new way compared to other Italian photography events; in fact, it admits only a select number of participants and is reserved only for photographers and cosplayers.
Each participant will have at his or her disposal a whole series of locations in the area, ranging from Gonzaga Palace to Cavriana Castle, from a disused NATO base to a riding school, ponds and centuries-old woods; an Austro-Hungarian fort, in short, a heterogeneous amount of locations made available by the organization in order to set any kind of cosplay in the best possible way!

The objective of the event is to give participants the opportunity to organize over the three days of the event, themed shoots, availing themselves of the scenery provided by the wonderful locations attached in a peaceful and serene environment.
In pursuit of these objectives, the organization of the event is strictly limited in nature to a small number of participants, selected in advance from all applicants based on a set of criteria that the Organization deems necessary for participation in the Volta event.

And also for this new edition, we have added new locations and new opportunities to those already present in the previous one!
In order to manage the organization in the best possible way and offer the best support, a contribution to participants, photographers, cosplayers and assistants of € 32,00 pro-capita (Paypal fees included) is requested, non-refundable.
This is a modest amount for a three-day event, but it will allow us to ensure the logistical support of the event, to support the maintenance of the site, to give proper support to the volunteers manning the locations, and to organize the event even better.

Regulation Legend

A – General Terms

B – Signing UP and Follow Up


D – Event areas, map and locations

E – Licenses and Images

F – Permits, responsibilities and prohibitions.

G – Complaints








A.1 – Acceptance of the regulations is mandatory for participation in Volta 2025. Those who do not accept the regulations will not be admitted and will not be entitled to use the computer tools provided.

A.2 – The regulation was written in the Italian language and in compliance with the Italian laws and regulations currently in force. The English version however refers to the correct Italian version.

A.3 – The regulation can be viewed and downloaded at the addresses: and it will also be sent to the selected participants, attached to the mail of confirmation.

A.4 – The Volta portal will provide all participants with the ability to view profiles of all other participants containing all necessary information. In addition, a specific and dedicated system has been implemented in the portal to enable participants to arrange appointments. Use of the appointment system on the portal is to be considered a prerequisite for participation!

A.5 – Every signed up has to declare to accept the General Terms of Contract and Provision of Services, required to the use of the website.

A.6 – All members are required to provide accurate and truthful data.

A.7 – Organizers will try to guarantee to ensure the operativity of the site, however we inform you that suspensions of the service may occur due to updates and maintenance.

A.8 – At the same time, the Organizers would like to inform that the use of the Internet and the electronic services provided could expose the participant to risks in case of malicious access by malware in the ICT system or threats of access to personal data by the third person.

A.9 – A Facebook account is required to have access to every system created, in order to get the most out of the event.

Telegram and Instagram accounts are also recommended to enhance interaction among participants. The Volta system does NOT have internal messaging, so participants should use normal social contacts to interact with each other.

A.10 – To ease the planning of photoshoots and the related travels, an interactive map is available on the website; the map contains directions to reach every location, as well as pictures of them, so whoever doesn’t know which one to choose, can consult the map and draw inspiration from the uniqueness and beauty of the area.

A.11 – To help photographers and cosplayers communicate, a closed Facebook FREE TALKS group will be created, so that participants can easily get in touch with each other, and get additional information they couldn’t find on the website profile. With the group, the organizers hope to create links that go beyond the event period.

A.12 – To quickly deliver every type of information, general or specific, a closed Facebook COMMUNICATIONS group will be created, to allow organizers to communicate with participants easily and immediately.

A.13 – Participants are required to join the event’s Facebook groups, especially the COMMUNICATIONS Group.

A.14 – In case of breach notifications of this Regulation or the social standards of conduct, the organization will take immediate action. Communications of such violations must be sent to the Organization through the specific form on the site. Le comunicazioni di tali violazioni devono essere inviate all’Organizzazione tramite il form apposito presente nel sito.


B.1 – On the Volta portal everyone can register and download or view the event regulations. A valid, in-use email is required for portal registration on which confirmation will be requested. Registration on the portal will be possible from 21/10/2024. The Organization specifies that being registered on the Volta portal, does not mean being registered for the Volta event edition 2025.

B2. – Registration for the Volta 2025 event will be possible for portal members from 09/11/2024 at 9 p.m. to 09/12/2024 at 9 p.m. via a form accessible only to registered users on the website.

B.3 – Registration for the event will be possible through a special form in which the willingness to participate in Volta edition 2025 will have to be specified, a set of personal data will have to be entered, and authorization will have to be given to provide the organization with said personal data. Data that will be private and visible only to the organization.

B.4 – By filling out the registration form each member declares that he has read and accepted the rules in all its parts, and concludes an agreement with the organization of Volta declaring his willingness to comply.

B.5 – The results of the selections will be communicated privately to all entrants via email on December 23, 2024.

B.6 – After subjecting the filled form, every submitter will receive a confirmation email that will contain the regulation and important communication from the organizers, accurate reading is recommended.

B.7 – Provision has also been made for cosplayers, photographers, or videomakers to register in pairs. All those who entered in pairs are allowed to participate and organize shootings also individually, but not separately. If one member of the pair is committed to a date the other member cannot make different commitments individually.

B.8 – ONLY A LIMITED NUMBER OF PARTICIPANTS WILL BE ADMITTED TO THE EVENT, DIVIDED EVENLY BETWEEN PHOTOGRAPHERS AND COSPLAYERS. To this end, the organization reserves the right to review all applications and decide based on its own criteria.

B.9 – As mentioned in B.5, the results of the selections will be notified to the members on December 23, 2024. A private and strictly confidential email will be sent to all enrollees in which they will be notified of the result of the selections. Enrollees selected as participants in the 2025 event will have 15 days to pay their non-refundable participation fee to the event paypal account via the appropriate form. At the end of the 15 days, participants who have not paid their contribution fee will be considered excluded. Please note that the contribution fee is non-refundable if the participant withdraws later.

B.10 – In the acceptance email, all selected participants will also be sent links to the event’s secret groups, Volta Communications 2025 and Volta FreeTalk 2025. These groups are necessary for the purpose of finding all the information participants need to be able to take advantage of the event; use of these groups is strongly recommended for everyone. At the same time, the Volta website will activate all profiles allowing those selected to view other participants and begin making arrangements.

B.11 – As mentioned in B.9, those who fail to pay the participation fee within 15 days are to be considered withdrawn without just cause and removed from the list of selected participants. Given the very high degree of selection of participants, special care should be taken when registering. The Organization is unable to help later to correct any errors.

B.12 – Again due to the very high degree of selection, the organization will not proceed with any repechage, so selected participants are therefore advised to make every effort to keep any defections to a minimum in order to be able to allow the best running of the event for everyone. The deadline for withdrawing one’s application without valid reason is to be considered the day 20/12/2024, after which withdrawals without valid reason will automatically cause exclusion in subsequent editions.

B.13 – The organization reminds all users admitted to the event, in order to facilitate and share set scheduling, an appointment management portal is available within the website. While still allowing the participant the freedom to make arrangements individually, the organization requests that appointments be reported through the system on the site. In order to make the entire event easier and more usable for everyone, use of the system is to be considered a prerequisite for participation.

B.14 – The ‘agreement is intended only for the duration of the Volta event edition 2025 and will end with the end of the event.

B.15 – In order to attend the event and gain access to all its areas, you must first report to the INFO POINT, identify yourself, hand in your completed and signed releases, and collect your badge.

B.16 – We also remind everyone that since the event is private in nature, no non-accredited cosplayers, photographers, or videomakers are allowed. In addition, any associations or groups interested in interacting marginally with the event must first seek specific permission from the Organization


C.1 – Volta 2025 will take place on May 2, 3, and 4, 2025 in Volta Mantovana. As the main meeting point, or headquarters and INFO POINT, will be to be considered Palazzo Gonzaga Guerrieri in Via Beata Paola Montaldi n. 14 – 46049 Volta Mantovana, and will include locations scattered throughout the municipalities of Cavriana, Ponti sul Mincio, and Monzambano.


Thursday, May 1, 2025

  • 15:00: INFO POINT opening! Info Point is hosted at Gonzaga Palace(Via Beata Paola Montaldi n.14, 46049 Volta Mantovana). Whoever arrives the day before will be able to proceed with the accreditation operations in advance and facilitate those who will arrive only the next day.
  • 20.30: We are waiting for you at the Info Point to party together! At the stables you can already find the Tana!! Presso le scuderie potete già trovare la Tana!

Friday, May 2, 2025

  • 9.00: INFO POINT opening at the stables of Palazzo Gonzaga, (Via Beata Paola Montaldi n.14, 46049 Volta Mantovana). Here, you will be able to proceed immediately with the accreditation, and you will receive the participation badge.
  • 09.30: Official start of the event and access to all previously booked areas.
  • 20.30: We look forward to seeing you all at the info point to end the beautiful day on a high note and in good company!

Saturday, May 3, 2025

  • 09.00: INFO POINT and locations opening.
  • 21.00: Dinner. We look forward to seeing you all at the info point to end the beautiful day on a high note and in good company Vi aspettiamo tutti all’info point per concludere in bellezza e in compagnia la bellissima giornata.

Sunday, May 4, 2025

  • 09.00: INFO POINT and locations opening.
  • 12.00: Gathering at Gonzaga Palace for the parade and the group photo! It’s a really important moment for the organization, and every participant is expected to join! For this occasion, the locations subjected to control by our volunteers will be closed to allow them to participate in the group photo.
  • 19.30: End-event meeting at the INFO POINT.


D.1 – The official headquarters or meeting point will be the INFO POINT at Palazzo Gonzaga in Via Beata Paola Montaldi n. 14 – 46049 Volta Mantovana.

D.2 – Attendees will be provided with an interactive map that will enable them, thanks to the interface with Google Maps, to effortlessly reach the event locations.

D.3 – The interactive map will also allow, thanks to the interfacing with GDrive, to be able to view cognitive photos of locations taken beforehand by the organization.

D.4 – During the event, the areas marked in the shared map will be available to photographers and cosplayers, and in some of these there will also be our collaborators who will limit access only to participants of the event, and who can help you in case of need and for infos.

D.5 – To reach distant locations, the photographer and the cosplayer will have to coordinate themselves. The organization allocates the responsibility for transport (to and from the locations) to the photographer, by virtue of the lower capacity of movement bound to the cosplayer’s costume; therefore it is recommended to schedule shooting in the best possible way, keeping in mind travel time to avoid delays for the current and the following shootings.

D.6 – The organization cannot take charge of driving the participants to the shooting locations; volunteers will help and support if needed, but it is always to be considered in case of extreme necessity or emergency.

D.7 – The event provides participants with a large number of heterogeneous locations that may vary from year to year, it is recommended that you carefully check the location map, and the opening and closing times of the locations, before you start planning your photo shoots.

D.8 – As mentioned above, the organization provides a number of locations for event participants, the use of locations outside the event is not prohibited but the organization disclaims any responsibility for what may happen at locations not among the offered locations. It is strongly recommended to contact the organization and ask for information before using areas of questionable safety.


E.1 – The Participant declares to have -right of use- for the images that have been sent for the registration, or that is authorized to use the presented works on legal basis.

E.2 – In the case of a legal dispute, in which the organization is involved, concerning any complaint lodged by a third party against the Participants, the latter must reimburse the Organiser of the incurred costs, in particular the cost of legal representation from the time the complaint was lodged, as well as any costs of compensation.

E.3 – The event is aimed at the creation of photo images. The organization considers, given the considerable effort they require, a reasonable time for images’ delivery up to eight months. Beyond that date cosplayers who have not received what has been promised are invited to contact the organization to notify the event.

E.4 – The use of images is authorized for publication on personal sites and social networks or for the print for exhibitions or competitions. The sale of the images or prints is authorized by both the cosplayer and the photographer with the consent of both parties and a notification to the Organization.

E.5 – The Participant hereby agrees to use his or her image in order to promote Volta edition 2025 and other events put on by the organization, especially the events under the name of “Volta” that will be organized in subsequent years.

E.6 – For images published in digital form on social networks, is required the affixion of the event logo or an explicit reference to the event itself.

E.7 – Participants in the act of posting photographs, videos, or other material created during Volta edition 2025 must indicate that they were produced during the event by adding the appropriate tags (#volta2025, #ilvolta, @Volta or @Volta2025), mentioning where needed the participation in the event, and affixing the event logo provided by the organization on the photos posted on social media. The same applies to all host municipalities, locations, and service provider collaborators whose tags and details will be provided by the organization in a special post in the Volta Announcements group.

E.8 – The participants are required to provide the organization with photographs, films or other materials (even without the addition of logos if specifically requested by the organisation), when requested as soon as possible. This material can be used for promotional purposes in several ways or will be published on Volta channels. The organization undertakes to provide the necessary credits and tags always and in all cases.

E.9 – During posting of the photographs, videos or other material created during Volta, the participants must identify the portrayed subjects by inserting the reference tags of the relative page or the personal profile, as requested by the cosplayer, to credit involved people in the various social platforms.


F.1 – The organization will not be responsible for any damage caused by third parties (including other participants) to the event attendees.

F.2 – Participant must be familiar with the rules (including regulations) binding in the facilities where Volta 2025 will take place and must comply with the above rules and regulations.

F.3 – During the event some locations shall be with limited access, due to the fragility of the places or the state of abandonment and not security. For this reason the organization does not assume any responsibility in case of damage to people or things. Therefore, a liability release statement will be required to be provided by event participants; this statement should be provided when collecting the Participation Badge.

F.4 – Participants shall immediately remedy any damage caused by them or third parties to the venues where Volta 2025 will take place.

F.5 – Participants must collect their waste (for example used smoke bombs) and leave the areas in the same state as they found them.

F.6 – All participants should behave decorously and with the utmost respect for others and for the places that are available to them; the organization retains the right to send away people who have not respected these terms.

F.7 – It is strictly forbidden to change, move, modify, anything in the available locations without prior permission from the event staff.

F.8 – Taking “stolen shots” from cosplayers busy in other sets is strictly forbidden. This, in order to give the possibility to create unique shots and ensure a relaxing and peaceful environment.

F.9 – We also remind you that you will not be allowed in any way to have been paid for the sets made at the location of the event, during the event. However is allowed a fair contribution to the expenses for the organization of the set (i.e. horse rental or payment of the service to the fire masters), but only as a contribution to the expenditure (shared or not), and decided by both parties.

F.10 – The use of smoke bombs is allowed only in open spaces, and prior notice to the organization. The organization will notify the authorities in charge of the controls to avoid the crime of procured alarm. Any participant who intends to make use of pyrotechnic smoke bombs is required to have with him or her a device suitable for smothering any flames released by mistake, a fire extinguisher in short.

F.11 – The use of open flames by participants is strictly forbidden; in Italy this discipline is regulated and only those who are licensed are allowed to use it.

F.12 – Sets of any kind that detract from the public decorum of the event are prohibited. Nude sets, lewd, erotic, etc etc are strictly prohibited during the course of Volta 2025.

F.13 – Participants are prohibited to:

    • upload any content prohibited by law;
    • act in such a way as to violate the legislation or aim at avoiding legislation;
    • not respecting the rules of social conduct and good manners;
    • use electronic services in such a way as to hinder operation or create problems for the service provider and other participants.

F.14 – We recommend photographers to appropriately behave at the event, full respect for the cosplayers’ person is mandatory, good conduct rules in behavior and words. Photographers are requested to avoid physical contact with the cosplayers and full respect for all the people with whom they need to interact during the event.

F.15 – All participants are strictly forbidden, during the period of the event, to make arrangements or organize impromptu sets with people not registered and who have not passed the regular selection. Such behavior or also to favor such practice will have like consequence the expulsion and the consequent ban in the next editions.

F.16 – All information provided by the organizer to the participants is to be considered confidential and private. It is therefore strictly forbidden to disclose such information without the direct consent of the organization.

F.17 – All information about participants and their contacts available on the website and through the social channels of the event are confidential and private. It is therefore strictly forbidden to disclose such information without the explicit consent of the data subject.

G – Complaints

G.1. – Any complaints regarding Volta 2025 or regarding the services provided can be submitted by participants or assistants to the organization via email to The organization will make sure to respond as soon as possible.

G.2 – The complaint must contain an accurate description of the reported situation, the names of the reported participants, as well as the reason for the complaint and all information necessary to fully understand the situation. All complaints will remain strictly confidential within the organization.

G.3 – Although the Organization undertakes to examine complaints as soon as possible, it will still examine the complaint within a maximum of 14 calendar days from the date it was received.


H.1 – Attendants will be limited to 3 (three) persons for each individual participant and 4 (four) for couples, and of course they will have access to all participant areas.

H.2 – Each participant can bring companions with them, without a limit, but they will not have access to private or limited access areas to prevent them from disturbing other participants.

H3. – Also this year a personalized event badge will also be provided to assistants.

H.4 – Participants have to register their assistants through a special form compilabile in their website profile. The registration has to be filled with assistants personal info

H.5 – Assistants’ registration fee must be paid to Volta’s Paypal account upon registration.

H.6 – The lack of one of the requirements will invalidate the request for accreditation of the assistant.


I.1 – Admitted photographers and cosplayers will be made available a list of accredited facilities at the event, including hotels, BBs, trattorias, restaurants, in the immediate vicinity that cannot be booked through Booking, Airbnb, or other online systems. These facilities have made themselves available only to Volta 2025 participants.

I.2 – Accredited facilities that are reachable only through direct contacts give support to the event and contribute to its realization. The ‘Organization suggests participants, to the extent possible, to use the accredited facilities, without them it would not have been possible to create the event.


J.1 – Volta 2025 is a limited number event with a very high selection. As specified in B.12 it will be possible to withdraw your application no later than 12/20/2024.

J.2 – After the deadline for payment of the contribution fee has passed and without any communication from the person concerned, participants who have not paid their fees will be considered excluded from the event.

J.3 – In case of withdrawal or cancellation after 10/12/2024, notification is required by email to any unreported withdrawal will be considered unjustified.

J.4 – Considering the nature of the event and the very high selection, in respect especially for those who have registered and haven’t been selected, any unjustified withdrawal or withdrawal judged by the Organization for trivial reasons, will result in a priori exclusion for the future editions.


The Organization reserves the right to expel the Participants from the event under the conditions below.

K.1 – The Organization will make use of its right of expulsion if one or more participants violate the regulations of the Volta, the Italian regulations, or the general rules of good manners.

K.2 – The Organization will make use of its right of expulsion whether one or more participants:

    • upload any content prohibited by law;
    • act in such a way as to violate the legislation or aim at avoiding legislation;
    • do not respect the rules of social conduct and good manners;
    • is guilty of misconduct towards other participants;
    • use electronic services in such a way as to hinder operation or create problems for the service provider and other participants.


The form at may be used for any contact.

Complaints may be sent by email to:

Waiver of participation in the Volta 2024 event should be communicated by email to


M.1 – Portal: portal means the Volta Internet page, reachable at

M.2 – Organizers: means the person responsible for the event and its helpers.

M.3 – Subscribers: means all those who have filled out the registration form for the Volta 2024 event, not those who have simply registered on the portal.

M.4 – Participants: participants are those who are selected and then invited to the event via email. It is not intended those who have registered for the event and subsequently the request to participate in the Volta 2024 event.

M.5 – Interactive Map: means a special map that will be shared with the participants and will provide:

    • interaction with maps to reach event locations quickly and without errors;
    • interaction with Google Drive which allows you to view the photographs of the locations prepared in advance by the organization.

M.6 – Shooting: means the time frame in which the photographer and cosplayer, previously agreed between the parties, dedicate themselves to photo shoots.

M.7 – Set: see L.6 – Shooting.

M.8 – Agreement: means the agreement that is signed when it accepts the selection, in which it commits itself to respect the regulation and the guidelines of the event.

M.9 – Copyright: it is a term that identifies ownership in the common law countries, from which however it differs, under various aspects, but which specifically refers to the aspects indicated by the Italian laws. The term, however, is also used internationally to indicate the legislation on copyright in systems not of Anglo-Saxon derivation.

M.10 – Disclaimer: document provided by the organization for its exemption from any damage suffered by Participants during the event.

M.11 – Smoke bombs: devices suitable for production in large or small quantities of smoke.

M.12 – Paypal: is an American company that offers digital payment and money transfer services via the Internet.

Rulebook “Il Volta” edition 2025. Last revision: October 4, 2024.